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Academic Intervention and Tutoring

Title I, Part A funding allows for supplemental academic intervention during the school day and tutoring after school. The type of services may vary from school to school depending on school student performance data.

Academic Intervention

Most Title I schools have academic intervention teachers for reading and mathematics. These teachers provide specialized small group instruction to assist students who are not yet proficient on grade level skills. Intervention instruction may be provided in the classroom during small groups or in lab settings. Students are grouped based on performance on assessment data. The teachers differentiate instruction according to the areas of need.  Progress is monitored to ensure effectiveness of instruction.


Title I schools offer additional tutoring programs for targeted groups. The program length may vary. Each school has been given the choice to determine their own tutoring schedule to meet the needs of their students.  Please contact your child’s school for eligibility and enrollment information.

Department Contacts

Academic Intervention
Elizabeth Senez, Project Manager
Work Phone: 386-255-6475 ext. 23349

Academic Intervention
Lisa St. John, Teacher-on-Assignment
Work Phone: 386-255-6475 ext. 23520

Title I Tutoring
Jayne Baxter, Compliance Specialist
Work Phone: 386-255-6475 ext. 23511
Title I Tutoring
Isabel Berrios Rodriguez, Payroll Analyst
Work Phone: 386-255-6475 ext. 23524