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Riverview Learning Center

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Faculty and Staff

Riverview Learning Center is a program, which operates on a schedule similar to traditional school sites. Educational services are provided for students in grades K-12. Differentiated instruction through blended learning and online platforms, allows students to have a seamless transition as they enter and exit the assigned program. With emphasis on modifying behavior and social skills, students attend classes daily in a highly restrictive school environment. Students are assigned to these facilities by the District Student Placement Committee, IEP Committee and/or the area superintendent(s). 

iABLE (Intensive Academic Behavioral Learning Environment) program provides a specialized program designed to meet the needs of students with intense emotional and behavioral needs. The program consists of the following six components: therapeutic, academic, social-emotional learning, community experience, bus behavior and attendance. Each component utilizes a research-based, data driven approach to decrease behavioral intensity and enhance student success. The therapeutic component provides a personalized mental health treatment plan that carefully monitors the counseling needs of individual students. Counseling may be provided in a group or individual setting and will address specific behavioral skills that need to be mastered by the student. The student is an active participant in the development of personal behavioral goals as part of this plan.

504/PST Contact: Olivia Garbutt

Mr. Thomas Soli

Phone: (386) 734-7190 ext. 76832

100 Osceola Avenue
Ormond Beach, FL 32176
(386) 258-4673