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MS & HS Information About Standardized Testing

MS & HS Information About Standardized Testing

Please be aware that Florida State Statute still requires students in an EOC course (Algebra 1, Geometry, US History, Biology, and Civics) to take the standardized end-of-course exam and this exam will constitute 30% of the final course grade. In addition, students are still required to meet testing requirements for graduation.  

Students who entered 9th grade in 2020-2021 or earlier must pass the FSA Grade 10 ELA or earn a concordant score to meet their reading testing graduation requirement.  Students who entered 9th grade in 2021-2022 or later must pass the FAST Grade 10 Progress Monitoring or earn a concordant score to meet their reading testing graduation requirement.  The math testing graduation requirement is dependent upon when the student took Algebra 1 for the first time.  Students who took Algebra 1 prior to the 2022-2023 school year must pass the FSA Algebra 1 EOC or earn a concordant score.  Beginning in 2022-2023, students who take Algebra 1 must pass the BEST Algebra 1 EOC or earn a concordant score.  

If your student has not yet met their FSA graduation requirements there will be two opportunities per year for them to retake the assessments.  The retake opportunities are in September and March.  In addition, they can also try to obtain a concordant score on the SAT, ACT or PSAT/NMSQT Math assessment.

This spring the FAST Grade 10 Progress Monitoring and BEST Algebra 1 EOC will be administered to students who need to meet their testing graduation requirements with these assessments.  There will be retake opportunities beginning next year for students who still need to pass to meet their graduation requirements.  In addition, they can also try to obtain a concordant score on the SAT, Act or PSAT/NMSQT Math assessment.

Concordant scores to meet state testing graduation requirements are as follows:

Grade 10 FSA ELA

  • SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW): 480
  • ACT English and Reading subtests: 18
    • The average of the English and Reading subtests.  If the average of the two subject test scores results in a decimal (.5), the score shall be rounded up to the next whole number.  The score for English and Reading subject tests are not required to come from the same test administration.

FSA Algebra 1 EOC

  • PSAT/NMSQT Math: 430
  • SAT Math: 420
  • ACT Math: 16
  • FSA Geometry EOC: 499

These concordant scores will also be used for the new FAST Grade 10 Progress Monitoring and BEST Algebra 1 EOC. 

You can find more information about graduation requirements on FLDOE’s website