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Transition Planning

Transition Planning refers to the process a student with a disability goes through as they move from high school to adult life which includes postsecondary education, employment and independent living. By law transition planning must begin once a student reaches the age of 14 (or younger when appropriate). This transition planning becomes formalized in school as part of the student's Transition IEP.

The Transition Individual Education Plan (IEP) addresses goals, services and activities that are needed to ensure the success of the student's progression from school to adult life. The Volusia County School District begins addressing the transition needs of a student at age 14 or prior if appropriate. The course of transition IEP must include documentation of the student's preferences, strengths, interests, course of study and the consideration of the self-determination needs for each student. At this time, the student will be invited to attend his/her IEP Meeting.

Beginning at age 16, the IEP must include Measurable Postsecondary Goals (MPGs) based on age appropriate transition assessments in the areas of, Career, Education/Training, Employment and Independent Living (if appropriate). A statement of needed transition services, including agency linkage must be included along with activities that will help prepare the student for life after high school.


Collaboration between the student, family, educators and community service providers is needed for successful transition for a student. The transition planning process helps to ensure that  each student  actively participates in making decisions related to areas of education, medical, employment, social, and daily living needs.

Transition Services based on Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Transition Services help student plan for life after high school. Transition Planning is a step by step process to assist students to obtain their post school goals. Transition plans are meant to improve the chances of success for these students and to ensure their inclusion in the general population.

Transition for students is defined as the successful movement from school to a productive adult life.

IDEA, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, defines transition as:

"...a coordinated set of activities for a student, designed within an outcome-oriented process, which promotes movement from school to post school activities including post-secondary education, vocational training and education, integrated employment including supported employment, continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, and community participation."

"The coordinated set of activities shall be based upon the individual student's needs, taking into account the student's preferences and interest, experiences, and shall include instruction, community experiences, and the development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives, and, when appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation."

For a list of agencies that can assist with transition, please check out the Transition Agencies page.

Supported Competitive Employment

Supported Competitive Employment (SCE) is a support service designed to help students with an IEP reach their full potential in the work environment. Students who may experience difficulty securing employment, learning the job and/or maintaining employment in a job that meets state requirements is a candidate for SCE. VCS Employment Consultants work with SCE students to enter the workforce and become stable, reliable workers. Typically, SCE services are implemented when students are in their last year or two as a VCS student.

If you would like additional information regarding SCE services, please contact your child's case manager.

Cathy Galotti
ESE Coordinator

Phone: 386-255-6475 ext. 33264

Thomas Allard
ESE Coordinator

Phone: 386-734-7190 ext. 50905

Suzanne Heard
Teacher on Assignment, ESE

Phone: 386-255-6475 ext. 33221

Pamela Hooker
Teacher on Assignment, ESE

Phone: 386-255-6475 ext. 32254