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Hearing and Visual Impairments

Visually Impaired

Students who are visually impaired include students who are blind, have no vision, or have little potential for using vision and students who have low vision. The term visual impairment does not include students who have learning problems that are primarily the result of visual perceptual and/or visual motor difficulties. Florida State Board of Education Rule 6A-6.03014, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.).

More information: Visually Impaired Program info

​Deaf or Hard of Hearing

A student who is deaf or hard-of-hearing (DHH) has a hearing loss aided or unaided, that impacts the processing of linguistic information and which adversely affects performance in the educational environment. The degree of loss may range from mild to profound. Florida State Board of Education Rule 6A-6.03013, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.).

More information: Deaf or Hard of Hearing Program info

Join Our Team

If you are a teacher for the Visually Impaired, with or without Orientation & Mobility (O&M) endorsement or a teacher for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing or an Interpreter and are seeking employment in an educational setting, consider Volusia County Schools! Our teachers, O&M Specialists and Interpreters provide support to students ages 3 through 21 in a variety of educational settings. We provide training, mentoring and small group assistance. Our team is supported by skilled, experienced instructional staff. If you have never worked in a public school setting, are an experienced teacher, or are currently enrolled in Vision and/or an O&M training program or are currently enrolled in a Deaf/Hard of Hearing or Interpreter training program and would like information about employment opportunities with our Exceptional Student Education team, let us help you get started!

Visually Impaired and Deaf or Hard of Hearing Program Contacts

Volusia County Schools Main Telephone Lines
DeLand: (386) 734-7190
Daytona: (386) 255-6475 or (386) 258-4660
New Smyrna Beach: (386) 427-5223
Osteen: (386) 860-3322

Sandra Navas Lopez, MS CCC- SLP
ESE Specialist
Speech and Language, DHH, Vision, & Audiology
(386) 255-6475 x33267
TEAMS x70649



Volusia County Schools employs licensed audiologists who provide services at three locations-Palm Terrace Elementary and Freedom Elementary. Audiologists identify and monitor students with hearing loss; counsel and guide families, teachers and students regarding hearing loss; and determine student’s needs for assistive amplification devices.

Audiology Contacts

Volusia County Schools Main Telephone Lines
DeLand: (386) 734-7190
Daytona: (386) 255-6475 or (386) 258-4660
New Smyrna Beach: (386) 427-5223
Osteen: (386) 860-3322

Dr. Sherie Laurens
Audiologist, Palm Terrace

Ext. 52945

Karen Grimard
Office Specialist

Ext. 52940