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International Student Exchange

International Student Exchange


The purpose of the International Student Exchange Program is to provide international students with the opportunities to participate in educational and cultural programs in the United States. International Exchange Students are placed with host families and can only be enrolled into Volusia County Schools under the sponsorship of federally approved agencies.

International Exchange Process

  1. Sponsoring Agency's chief officer completes and signs Annual Notification of Compliance form and submits proof of designation as an approved sponsor by the United States Information Agency Exchange Visitor Program Staff. Designation can be shown either by a letter from the Agency or by submitting a copy of the most recent United States Information Agency list of organizations with high school exchange visitor program designation. Please email both documents to the World Languages office at the email addresses listed below. This information should be sent no earlier than January 1 and no later than April 8 of the calendar year preceding the school year in which the sponsor anticipates placing an exchange student in a Volusia County School. In order for a sponsoring agency to retain their privilege to make application to place exchange students in a Volusia County School, the chief office of the sponsoring agency must, on an annual basis, submit written attestation that the organization will adhere to the procedures established by Volusia County Schools. 
  2. Sponsoring Agency verifies with the World Languages office the availability of openings at a particular school. Verification of the availability of openings at a particular school must be done prior to placing a student with a host family.
  3. Sponsoring Agency submits Student Packet to the World Languages office no later than July 8, 2024 for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. 
  4. The World Language office completes and forwards the School Enrollment Form to the principal of the school for approval.
  5. If there is an opening at the school and the principal accepts the student(s) placement, the World Language office sends the School Enrollment Form to the Sponsoring Agency.
  6. The World Language office sends a copy of the Sponsoring Agency Student Packet to the school.
  7. The host family will register the student at their zoned high school. Please go to this link to learn how to register your student:

2025-2026 International Exchange Program Information:

2025-2026 International Exchange Program Guidelines

2025-2026 Requirements for Student Packet Checklist

2025-2026 Annual Notification of Compliance Form

International Exchange Program Contacts

Gianna Acevedo Alamo
Coordinator, ESOL/Title III Coordinator

386-734-7190 x23038

Dr. Angelica Pereles-Coleman
World Languages Resource Teacher

386-734-7190 x23070