Extended Day Enrichment Programs
200 N Clara Ave.
DeLand, FL 32720
Phone: (386) 734-7190 ext. 20353
Mr. Greg Schwartz
Specialist, EDEP
Rebecca Davis
Office Specialist III
2024/2025 SY Registration is open.
Before the Bell (BTB)- 6 through 8 grades, the program components are planned to reflect school site enrichment activities and align with VCS district goals. Extended Day Enrichment Program (EDEP)-K through 5 grades, EDEP was developed in response to the present and growing need for supervised programs for elementary-age students during the out of school hours.
The School Board of Volusia County will offer BTB programs at 10 middle schools and EDEP programs at 40 elementary schools. The VCS Before the Bell and Extended Day Enrichment Programs provide structured academic enrichment for school-age children in K-8 grades to approximately 4200 students. Every child and youth should have a safe and supportive environment while engaging in activities that support academic achievement and promote social, emotional, and physical development before and after the regular school day. BTB/EDEP sites are staffed with qualified after-school personnel.
For more information, contact any school where the EDEP program is offered: Blue Lake, Champion, Chisholm, Citrus Grove, Coronado Beach, Cypress Creek, Deltona Lakes, Discovery, Edgewater, Enterprise, Forest Lake, Freedom, Friendship, George Marks, Holly Hill, Horizon, Indian River, Longstreet, Manatee Cove, McInnis, Orange City, Ormond Beach, Beachside, Osteen, Palm Terrace, Pathways, Pierson, Pine Trail, Port Orange, Pride, Read-Pattillo, South Daytona, Spirit, Spruce Creek, Sugar Mill, Sunrise, Sweetwater, Timbercrest, Volusia Pines, and Woodward Avenue elementary schools.
24 - 25 EDEP Parent Registration Guide
BTB program is offered: DeLand, Deltona, Galaxy, Heritage, Hinson, New Smyrna, Ormond Beach, River Springs, Silver Sands, and Southwestern middle schools.
Extended Day Enrichment Programs for Kindergarten 2024-25 School Year:
If you are interested in the Volusia County Schools Extended Day Enrichment Program, please view the link below to access important information about the registration process. This form will start the process of registering your student in EDEP for the 24-25 school year, applications are time and date stamped. You will have to complete your official registration in July when our Kindergarten students roll up into the system. Parents will receive e-mail/phone communication explaining the registration process in Myschoolbucks and MSBactivities.