School Entry Information
School Entry Physical
Students in grades kindergarten through 12th grade who are making their initial entry into a Florida school must present a record of a physical examination completed within the past 12 months. The exam record should be taken to the school upon enrollment. Although a specific form is not required, it is recommended that Florida's standardized School Entry Exam form (DH 3040) be used to document completion of a physical examination. It must be completed by a health care provider licensed to perform physical examinations. For students transferring to a Florida school, a comparable form from another state would be acceptable, if completed within one year.
Vision and hearing screenings are provided each year. Students in grades K, 1, 3, 6 and all first time entries in grades K-5 will receive a vision screening. Hearing screening will be provided in grades K, 1, 6 and all first time entries in grades K-5. Screenings serve to identify signs of vision or hearing defects and provide a procedure for referral and follow-up.
Growth and development (BMI) screenings are provided for students in grades 1, 3 and 6. Parents/guardians are notified of results with resources provided for follow-up, if needed.
As part of the overall School Health Program, 6th grade students are offered a scoliosis screening, with a referral for students who need further evaluation. Scoliosis screening is a valuable aid in detecting scoliosis in the early stages when often the scoliotic curve can be reduced or stabilized without surgery. Scoliosis can be defined as one or more lateral curvatures of the spine, which develop during growth and can eventually cause pain and reduce cardiopulmonary function, shortening of the life span, and an unacceptable cosmetic appearance. Scoliosis can be successfully treated if detected early.
Breanna Jordan RN, MSN
Volusia County Schools
386-734-7190 Extension 20446/52224
Immunization Requirements
- The Florida Certification of Immunization, Form 680, must be used to document the immunizations required for entry and attendance in Florida schools. These forms are not available to the public and must be completed by a Florida physician or Florida county health department. It is recommended that parents obtain a copy of the child’s complete immunization history before leaving the current state of residence.
- Immunizations can be received from your private physician, or you can visit one of the Volusia County Health Departments:
Volusia County Health Department Immunization (hours and sites)
- Daytona Beach: 1845 Holsonback Drive - (386) 274-0569
- Orange City: 775 Harley Strickland Blvd- (386) 457-6319
- Deltona: 3151 Howland Boulevard - (386) 789-7509
- New Smyrna Beach: 717 West Canal Road - (386) 424- 2056