Be Visible, Viable, and Valuable to our schools while building lasting relationships with our stakeholders (students, parents, school staff, community agencies, etc.) and sustaining the relevancy of our services.
School social workers are the link between the school, home, and community. As members of the educational team comprised of teachers, administrators, other student services staff, and parents, school social workers promote and support students' academic and social success by providing specialized services.
Advocacy for students, parents, and the school system
Social-developmental assessments
Attendance education and compliance
Interagency-Foster Care
Crisis Prevention and Intervention
Case Management
Parent Education
Child Abuse Prevention
Homelessness: McKinney-Vento
Collaboration with other school personnel, community agencies, and organizations
Information and referral services that match the needs with available resources
Mobilizing school and community resources to optimize students' potential
School Social Workers Help Students
Cope with crisis situations
Improve attendance
Deal with family or legal issues
Maximize educational opportunities and academic success
Learn problem-solving and decision making skills
Remain focused on the goal to graduate
School Social Workers Support Parents and Families
Encouraging more participation in their children's education
Identifying and meeting their children's social and emotional needs
Accessing programs available to students with special needs
Promoting more effective use of school and community resources
Assisting in the understanding of school policies and procedures
Working with problems in children's living situations that affect their adjustment in school
School Social Workers Help Educators
Better understand how factors such as family, culture, socioeconomic status, and physical and mental health may affect students' performance
Identify and report child abuse and neglect issues
Facilitate school/parent communication
Provide consultation/collaboration on difficult or complicated student and family situations
Other Specialized Services
Home education monitoring and record keeping
Child labor law information
Information on children and families in homeless situations
Information on child abuse and neglect
Court referrals for truancy and compulsory attendance violations
Case management for students in alternative/suspension programs
Transition Services
School Social Workers provide follow up support services to students in transition from the District Student Placement Committee, Juvenile Justice commitment facilities, Teen Parent Program, alternative education programs, and mental health facilities
Data and Organizational Framework for Accountability