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School Social Services

In today's age of technology and the emergence of a global economy, children are faced with new demands. At the same time, some children have been greatly affected by social factors such as substance abuse, suicide, sudden death, violence, teen pregnancy, school dropout, child abuse and neglect, and homelessness.

School Social Workers are trained to assist students so they may concentrate on their academic potential. These professionals use a problem-solving approach to focus on prevention and early intervention so students will develop skills necessary for social and educational success. School Social Workers are an important part of the school team. They provide consultation, prevention, intervention, and training in their areas of expertise. In Volusia County, the School Social Services department also includes compulsory school attendance and homeless education services. Our aim is to enhance academic success for all students.

To find out more information about what we do, click on the link below.

Staff related information can be found on School Social Services Intranet.

School Social Workers School Assignments

School Social Workers-Bilingual Assignments

School Social Services Delivery Model

School Social Workers Assignments by School

Department Contacts

Photo of Dianne Martin





Dianne C. Martin, Coordinator
School Social Services and Safe & Drug Free Schools

Phone: (386) 734-7190 ext. 20755

Debbie Lookingbill, Coordinator's Office Specialist
Phone: (386) 734-7190 ext. 20765

Crystal Eubanks, Project Manager Homeless/Foster Care 
Phone: (386) 734-7190 ext. 20856

Dennisse M. Cotto, Budget Analyst-Homeless 
Phone: (386) 734-7190 ext. 20857

Melissa (Burke) Fordham, Compulsory Attendance Compliance and Court Liaison
Phone: (386) 322-6100 ext. 38356

Caryn Cimino, SSW West Side Office Specialist
Phone: (386) 734-7190 ext. 23480

Misty Reyes, SSW East Side Office Specialist
Phone: (386) 322-6100 ext. 38359

TBD, Instructional Specialist -Migrant, Immigrant, Neglect & Delinquent
Phone: (386) 734-7190 ext. 44745

Michelle Dotro, M.I.N.D.- Office Specialist
Phone: (386) 734-7190 ext. 44734