School Choice Frequently Asked Questions
Controlled Open Enrollment Plan
School Board Policy 203 Frequently Asked Questions
1. I want my child to attend a school that is not his/her zoned school. What do I need to do?
You must complete a school choice application. School choice applications are accepted for the upcoming year from January 7, 2025 through March 1, 2025 you can complete the online application through your parent portal account.
2. Can I apply for more than one School Choice Assignment in the same year?
No, a student may receive only one choice assignment in a school year.
3. I do not have access to a computer to do an online application. Do I have another option?
Yes, you may complete a paper application. Paper school choice applications may be obtained at any Volusia County School.
4. May I discontinue a Choice assignment at any time?
No, a parent or legal guardian may discontinue a choice assignment within a school year at the end of a grading period or semester.
5. If I attend a school other than my zoned school, can I still ride the bus to school?
Student bus transportation is only guaranteed when the student attends his/her zoned school, and resides outside of the school’s 2-mile walk zone. Parents/legal guardians are responsible for transportation for students attending a choice school, and ensuring their students arrive on time to school.
6. What determines if a school choice request is approved?
A request is approved if capacity at the requested school is available and class size will not be adversely impacted. To see capacity information for all schools, click on School Choice Process.
7. How long can I wait to enroll my student in the school of choice?
If a student fails to begin attending classes at the assigned school by the third day of the new school year, the choice assignment shall be deemed forfeited.
8. Can I appeal if my application is denied?
Yes, if you applied for a school choice during the controlled open enrollment window, and was denied, you may contact School Choice Department for an appeal form. Please note, that a student that is waitlisted is not considered denied.