Re-entry Meeting
Volusia County Schools established a re-entry procedure to help ease the transition back to the classroom after a removal from school. The purpose of the meeting is to develop a student specific plan to support the student’s ability to be successful, addressing issues related to academic, behavioral, social, emotional, and mental health needs.
Who should participate in the Re-Entry Meetings?
- Administrator(s)
- School Counselor(s)
- Parent(s)/Student
- ESE Representation (when appropriate)
- School Social Worker (when appropriate)
- School Psychologist (when appropriate)
- Mental Health Team Members (when appropriate)
- Safety and Security Specialist (when appropriate)
- Assistant Superintendents (when appropriate)
Re-entry meeting participants should take into account:
- The circumstances related to the student’s suspension or expulsion,
- The student’s prior academic and discipline history,
- If the student has an IEP or 504 plan, the re-entry team should review the IEP, 504, and/or if applicable the Behavior Intervention Plan (Note: Only an IEP Team/504 Team, through an IEP/504 Meeting, can make changes to a student’s goals, services, accommodations and/or placement),
- The severity of the disciplinary incident that led to the student’s exclusion,
- Mental Health concerns related to the individual student.
The goals of the re-entry meeting are to:
- Address the individual academic, behavioral and mental health needs of the student
- Identify point-person to support student
- Develop a specific crisis and safety plan
- Set a clear plan for addressing long-term absence and missed work and allow for adjustments in classwork/homework upon return
- Implement daily/weekly check-ins with the student
- Establish a procedure for communication to provide regular feedback to parents/guardians on student’s adjustment back to school. A follow-up meeting should always be scheduled to address additional supports needed and progress.
- Provide family with information regarding outside services
The purpose of the re-entry plan is to:
- Discuss the services available to the student to support their re-entry process
- Define what the student is required to do before returning to school
- Identify supportive interventions that will be in place when the student returns to school
Re-entry meetings for virtual students:
Re-entry meetings are also completed for students who participate on the Volusia Online Learning (VOL) platform. For students who participate part-time in-school and part-time (VOL), the re-entry meeting is completed by the school that they are attending. For students who participate in VOL full-time, the school counselor for VOL completes the re-entry meeting. The same documentation is completed for students who participate on the VOL platform. The meetings are completed via Microsoft Teams or conference call so that all parties required are able to participate. District Mental Health Team members are able to attend if requested