Neglected/Delinquent (Title I, Part A and D)
Title I, Part A and Part D funds are reserved for prevention and intervention programs for youth who are neglected, unaccompanied, and/or at-risk. Upon identification, funding provides services for supplemental academic support services such as tutoring.
Neglected students may be temporarily or permanently removed from their parental home due to sustained maltreatment. These students reside in residential facilities. Supplemental academic support services are offered to these students via the education coordinators of the facilities.
Educational services are also funded by Title I through the Florida Department of Education to serve neglected and delinquent youth in residential and non-residential facilities. The Department of Juvenile Justice has a cooperative agreement with the District to provide daily academic instruction, remedial services, individual instruction and specific education plans for children and youth who are neglected, delinquent and/or at-risk.
Program Goals
The program goals are to:
- Supplement educational services by providing neglected and delinquent youth with the same educational opportunities needed to meet challenging State academic content and achievement standards.
- Provide these neglected and delinquent youth with services to successfully transition from institutionalization to the most appropriate education setting, zoned school or employment.
- Prevent at-risk youth from dropping out of school, and to provide youth with case management support services to ensure their continued education.
- Transition and case management services
- Tutoring services
- Intensive intervention
- Credit retrieval
- Transition support for students exiting DJJ sites and re-entering schools
- College and career readiness
- Extended learning summer enrichment programs
- Academic and non-academic support
Neglected/Delinquent Sites
Other Services
- Community Reentry Team Support
- Judicial Youth Support Collaborative Partnerships
- Student Support Services Collaborative Partnerships
Department Contacts
Emily Taylor, Program Specialist Email: Phone: 386-734-7190 Extension: 44745 |
Jennipher Nieves, Student Advocate/Resource Teacher Email: Phone: 386-734-7190 Extensions: 44734 |
Antoinette Margison Email: Phone: 386-337-1297 |
Dr. Angelica Pereles-Coleman Email: Phone: 386-337-4002 |