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Emergency Communication

Communicating in an Emergency 

During an emergency, a principal’s first priority is to secure your child’s campus. They will immediately contact security and respond to any incident that may arise. You will be notified as soon as possible through a Focus Communication call, text, and email, and social media as appropriate to let you know if your child’s school is placed in a hold or lockdown, or is experiencing another incident. 

A “hold” means that while individuals are not moving around campus, all doors are still locked and classroom instruction can continue. There is not an immediate threat. A “lockdown” means that there is an immediate threat and further safety precautions to secure rooms are taken. 

Immediately after an emergency, the school or district will notify you once the hold/lockdown is lifted and let you know that all students are safe. If more details are available at this time, they will be shared. 

After an emergency, your school will send a more detailed message if necessary detailing the situation. Keep in mind that some scenarios require further law enforcement investigation and not all details can be shared during this time. Depending on the situation, law enforcement presence will continue on campus to deter future incidents. 

Security Communication Terms

First page of the PDF file: VolusiaSRP1
First page of the PDF file: VolusiaSRP2