1. Why are attendance boundaries changed?
The School Board desires to bring students to schools closer to home to accomplish the following:
2. When will my new school assignment take effect?
There are currently no proposed rezoning plans before the School Board. The rezoning plans adopted by the Board on February 13, 2024 are effective for this coming school year, starting on August 12, 2024.
3. How are rezone areas selected?
Following guidance from the School Board, staff considers natural boundary lines like major roadways for easy movement, neighborhoods, travel time, and walk zone safety.
4. I have a rising fifth grade student, can they remain at their current school?
Rising fifth grade students affected by a rezoning may remain at their current campuses for one year. However, the district’s policy on school choice will apply. You will have to obtain a school choice/variance to remain at your current school, and due to limited transportation resources, transportation will not be provided.
5. Will transportation be provided for my student?
Transportation will be available for students who attend their zoned schools and are outside the schools’ 2-mile non-transport zone. Student Transportation Services will have more information regarding special accommodation. Parents/legal guardians are responsible for the transportation of their students attending a choice school.
6. How does my student apply for a transfer or for a different school?
Transferring to a school other than the student’s zoned school requires applying for a school choice placement (variance). However, student bus transportation is only guaranteed when the student attends their zoned school and resides outside of the school’s 2-mile non-transport zone. Parents/legal guardians are responsible for the transportation of their students attending a choice school. School choice applications are available online. Paper school choice applications may also be obtained at any Volusia County School.
7. What types of notifications about rezoning plans are sent to parents?
Notifications will arrive through US Mail reminding parents of upcoming information sessions/community meetings. These will include date, time, and venue. Parents will also be informed via School Messenger. Once new attendance boundaries have been adopted by the School Board, parents/legal guardians will receive a notification through US Mail about the board adoption as well as their new school assignment.
8. Where do I register my child for kindergarten?
If the School Board adopts proposed rezoning plans, parents can register their kindergartner at their new zoned schools.
9. If we are rezoned and we don’t like it, can we go back to our old school?
The policy on school choice will apply in this case. You will have to obtain a school choice/variance to attend your old school after the new attendance boundaries have been finalized by the School Board. Parents/legal guardians are responsible for the transportation of their students attending a choice school.