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Growth Management

School concurrency laws have been enacted to require that new development pay for its share of necessary traditional K-12 public school facilities. School concurrency acts as the warning system to the school district of the imminent impact associated with new residential development.

There are two main types of review: Adequate Capacity Reviews and School Concurrency Reviews.

School Planning Process Flow Chart

VCSB Concurrency Fee Schedule

School Concurrency Review Application Form (Right click and "Save link as..." to download form)

Volusia County Charter Amendment Section 206 - Adequate Capacity Review

Volusia County voter approval of the School Planning Charter Amendment provides that any county or municipal comprehensive plan amendment or rezoning allow increased residential density may become effective only if adequate public schools can be timely planned and constructed to serve the projected increase in student population. This became effective September 30, 2007.

School Concurrency Review

Legislation enacted by the 2005 Florida Legislature mandates local governments and school boards adopt a school concurrency system. School concurrency ensures coordination between local governments and school boards in planning and permitting developments that affect school capacity. State law in Florida currently mandates certain types of concurrency. These include traffic (roads), potable water, sanitary sewer, drainage, solid waste and parks. School concurrency was added in June 2005 and became effective here February 1, 2008.

The Interlocal Agreement  for public school planning directs this coordination between the district and the local governments, providing for the acceptable Level of Services (LOS) for schools, when concurrency mitigation is required, and the Public School Elements in local comprehensive plans.

Level of Service Chart SY 2023-2024

Interlocal Agreement 

School Impact Fee Study

School Board Policy 614 - Educational Facilities Impact Fee

School Concurrency Service Areas (CSAs)

The school concurrency areas are the same as the attendance boundaries for the elementary and middle schools. The High school concurrency service areas are based on the planning areas and include multiple high schools.

Planning Area
Planning Area
Planning Area
Planning Area
Planning Area
Atlantic High
Mainland High
Seabreeze High
Spruce Creek High
New Smyrna Beach High Deltona High
Pine Ridge High
DeLand High
University High
T.D. Taylor Middle/High


Division Contacts

Robert J. Voges
Planning Coordinator
Extension 50854
James F. Roberts
Planning & GIS Specialist
Extension 50802


David P. German
Planning & GIS Specialist
Extension 50754
Address: 3750 Olson Drive, Daytona Beach Florida 32124
Phone: (386) 947-8786
FAX: (386) 506-5056
Office Hours: 8:00 - 4:30 Monday - Friday