ITS Educational Technology Department
Educational Technology Director, Dr. Melissa Carr
This department plays a pivotal role in transforming education through the thoughtful integration of technology into teaching and learning. By coaching schools on effective technology use, they ensure that classrooms become dynamic spaces where innovative solutions lead to better student outcomes and enhance student engagement. Volusia County students and educators are equipped with tools to create personalized learning experiences that cater to individual needs. The department collaborates with schools to create a tech-rich environment that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. Our district’s classrooms are increasing their digital readiness through 1:1 student technology, interactive displays, educational apps, assistive technological tools, and virtual simulations.
Beyond technology integration, VCS recognizes the importance of nurturing responsible digital citizens. In an interconnected world, students must navigate the digital landscape with integrity, empathy, and ethical awareness. The department actively promotes digital literacy, emphasizing online safety, privacy, and respectful communication. By adhering to the International Society for Technology in Education Standards, students learn to evaluate information critically, engage in respectful online discourse, and protect their digital footprint. Moreover, the department instills a global perspective, encouraging students to think beyond themselves.
Educational Technology has three teams:
1. Teaching and Learning Applications Team:
- Delivers multiple professional development experiences for educators to learn how to use educational technology effectively.
- Leads the vetting of new software for the district to ensure systems compatibility, security, data protection, and more.
- Tests new hardware and software in educational environments as a vital step for any new implementation.
- Works with educational software user managers and vendors to roster systems for schools and classrooms.
2. Audio Visual Support Team:
- Provides Tier II assistance for large venue A/V systems.
- Installs new interactive panels in classrooms and conference rooms.
3. Print Shop:
- Provides bulk copier services for schools, the district, and the community at large.
- Offers other publishing services such as name plates, name badges, posters, sign engraving, T-shirts, banners, and other promotional items.
1265 N Grandview Ave.
Daytona Beach, FL 32118
(386) 506-0016 ext. 51613
Dr. Matt Kuhn
Chief Technology Officer
Dr. Melissa Carr
Director, Educational Technology
Krissy Butrico
Coordinator, Teaching & Learning Applications
R.T. Myers
Manager, Print Shop
For technical support, request assistance at or call 386-734-7190 X 25000 for the ITS Help Desk