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Special Internet Connectivity Programs

Internet connectivity is vital to our students and their families. We realize that not everyone in the community can easily afford high speed internet services or may not live in an area where they are available. Below are some options that may assist you in finding the right plan for your situation.

  • Nonprofit organizations: There are a number of nonprofits that help people afford internet service and devices, including EveryoneOnEducation Superhighway and Human-I-T.

  • Low-income programs from internet providers: Many internet service providers have their own programs in place for low-income households, with AT&TCoxMediacomOptimumSpectrumWOW! and Xfinity all offering discounted service. You can see which providers are available in your area by entering your address on the FCC’s broadband map.
  • Lifeline: Lifeline is a federal program that provides a $9.25 monthly discount for phone, internet or bundled services. Its eligibility requirements are strict -- household income must be at or below 135% of federal poverty guidelines -- but the program has been permanently funded since 1984.