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Password Reset Link

The password reset link can be used on any device (cell phone, friend’s computer, your computer, etc.). Students who have received a new 1:1 device, or who have not logged into their device for a long time, will have to reset their password FIRST before logging into a 1:1 device.

Password Reset Link

Student Password Change Instructions

Password Change Best Practices

  • Password requirements - all high school student passwords require twelve (12) characters and at least three (3) of the following criteria: 
  1. Include at least one upper-case letter 
  2. Include at least one lower-case letter 
  3. Include at least one number 
  4. Include at least one special character 

In addition, the HS student policy restricts the use of passwords that have been used in the past or contain the student's name or birthday.

  • Password suggestions
    • Make the password something that is easy to remember.
    • ColorAnimal##! (ex: Purpledog17! or YellowShark4?)
    • PetnameGradyearSport (ex: Mittens2023Soccer or Rocky23Pickleball)
    • HousenumberBrandnameFavoritefood (ex: 515NikePizza or 8711VansSushi)
    • Use symbols for letters (ex: BenSt33lers7! or 44TonyH@wk)
  • Password cannot contain any part of student's legal name
  • You cannot reuse an old password
  • Having trouble creating a password?
    • Write down your password, ensure it meets criteria, and has 12 or more characters prior to typing it into the reset page.
  • If you change your password, log out, and cannot remember it to log back into the device, your classroom teachers can reset your password for you.

200 N Clara Ave.
DeLand, FL 32720

(386) 734-7190 ext. 25000

Dr. Matt Kuhn
Chief Technology Officer

Derek Mason
Director, Infrastructure

Michael Owens
Senior Systems Administrator, Cybersecurity

For technical support, request assistance at or call 386-734-7190 X 25000 for the ITS Help Desk