Information Technology Services (ITS)
The ITS Division is comprised of four departments, each with its own areas of responsibility to achieve the overall ITS Vision: Empowering the future of VCS with innovative technology today. These four ITS departments are listed on the left-hand menu with their teams.
ITS provides support to all other divisions and schools. They use a set of Operating Principles to guide their work:
Create a positive perception of ITS through consistently positive experiences and quality services.
Assume positive intent.
Show professionalism.
Earn and build trust.
Take personal responsibility to proactively follow up and follow through.
Exhibit an attitude of kindness, grace, enthusiasm, and respect.
Listen first and communicate second in a clear, concise, inclusive, and timely manner.
Be solution oriented (“not yet, instead of no”) to set realistic and optimistic expectations.
Encourage collaboration.
Be a life-long technology learner.
For School Board policies affecting technology, search for the policy here. Two highly relevant policies are #219 Student Technology Use and #427 Employee Technology Use.
If VCS staff members need technical assistance, they should use the link below to put in a technical support request or call the help desk before directly emailing ITS personnel.
200 N Clara Ave.
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 734-7190 ext. 20129
Dr. Matt Kuhn
Chief Technology Officer
Lisa Kourounis
Administrative Secretary
Chloe Polcyn
Business Operations Analyst
Clifford Scarborough
ITS Division Project Manager
(386) 734-7190 ext. 20118
For technical support, request assistance at or call 386-734-7190 X 25000 for the ITS Help Desk