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Health Care Reform

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

The new federal health care law call the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), or "Affordable Care Act" is changing the way many Americans get and use health care coverage starting January 1, 2014. The following video is provided to make sure you understand what the Affordable Care Act means to you in making those health insurance decisions for yourself and your family.

The health insurance plans offered by the District meet the Affordable Care Act affordability and coverage requirements. If you are satisfied with your District coverage, you don't have to do anything.

To determine if you could have more cost-effective options on the Marketplace, you should visit, where you can learn more about the Affordable Care Act, read the Frequently Asked Questions and use the checklists provided. You may also call the federal marketplace at 800-318-2596.

Required Notice to Employees

As required by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, employers are required to provide employees with information. Below is the 2014 annual required notice:

Summaries of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), otherwise known as health care reform, group health plans must provide consumers with a concise document detailing, in plain language, simple and consistent information about health plan benefits and coverage. Please click on the following link to access the SBCs for the plans available through the district.

  • Summaries of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)