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Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Emotional Support Services

Our Employee Assistance Program provider, AETNA, is there for you with licensed clinicians available 24/7/365 to offer emotional support regarding many topics that can impact lives. They have also liberalized emotional support services to our community. Click here for information regarding, "How To Cope With Community And School Violence- Aetna Resources For Living.pdf", which provides the community access telephone number that VCS employees may wish to share with friends and family that may be impacted by a tragedy.

The Volusia County Schools Employee Assistance Program (EAP) helps employees resolve personal and work problems through professional assistance.

Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. EAP is governed by HIPAA. Below are some of the most common reasons to call the toll free number (1-800-272-7252):

  • Marital/Relationship issues
  • Emotional/Psychological issues
  • Legal/Financial counseling and referral
  • Parenting
  • Family
  • Vocational-related issues
  • Work-related stress
  • Stress management
  • Substance abuse (alcohol and/or drugs)
  • Physical/Medical issues
  • Dependent care (child care as well as elder care)
  • Work-Life webinars

You may also access EAP through Aetna's Mobile App or Portal at: Aetna Mobile App and Portal. The Mobile App is for basic information and resources, it does not offer the ability to schedule counseling or EAP services. The best method to make and appointment or utilize a specific service is by calling EAP at: 1-800-272-7252

Aetna Resources for Living, our EAP provider, is available at 1-800-272-7252 or TDD 1-888-833-2017 or for a list of providers and general information go: (To log in, use the following username (VCS) and password (VCS). When looking for a list of providers on the website you will under "Today I want to" on the homepage and click the "Find a Counselor" link. 

You may also access the Aetna EAP website through VPortal under the "VCS Utilities" tile.

Want to learn More?

Click on the links below to learn more about the free, confidential and conveniently accessed Employee Assistance Program services.

Frequently Asked Questions About EAP

Who can use EAP?

Generally, any regular employee and any household member (regardless of the relationship) is eligible regardless of job classification.

Who will know if an individual uses EAP?

EAP is strictly confidential. Governed by HIPAA, only the individuals receiving services can authorize the release of information.

Can family members participate?

Yes. Your employer recognizes that an employee's personal problems can affect the family and that the household's personal problems can affect job performance. Therefore, household members are encouraged to use EAP as needed.

What about the cost of EAP?

The cost of EAP is covered by your employer and provides for one to six visits per issue for unlimited issues. There is no premium and no co-pay.

Who will a person talk to?

A professional EAP counselor will work directly and confidentially with the employee or household members to help resolve the problem. In some cases, the EAP counselor's role will be to assist in determining what additional community resources can provide future assistance.

How can I find out more about EAP services?

It's simple. Call: 1-800-272-7252 or Visit To log in, use the following username (VCS) and password (VCS). You will find useful information on a wide range of subjects.