Professional Learning Commitments
High-quality professional learning begins with a structured planning process. This process requires all educational stakeholders responsible for providing professional learning to analyze data to determine needs, prepare meaningful professional learning plans, monitor participation in professional learning offerings, and evaluate the change in participant learning by observing behavior and/or examining student performance. The following statements of belief guide Volusia’s Professional Development System:
- Powerful professional learning takes place in learning communities committed to continuous improvement and ongoing inquiry.
- Adequate resources are required to support adult learning and collaboration.
- Technology is an important component in the delivery of professional learning.
- Professional learning reflects system-wide priorities, policies, and procedures.
- Professional Development Cycle is defined according to the Florida Protocol stages of planning, learning, implementing and evaluating.
- Yearlong professional learning plans identify objectives based on system needs, individual needs and expected results for student achievement.
- Professional learning activities are aligned with high-quality standards and adult-learning principles.
- Professional learning is evaluated at the individual implementation level and through an online survey tool.
- Professional development is collaborative, continuous, standards-focused, research-based, and intellectually rigorous.
- Professional learning opportunities lead to changes in participant behavior and increases in student achievement.
- Professional learning activities provide educators with the knowledge and skills needed to involve families and community members as active partners in meeting the needs of all students.
- Results are documented using an internal auditing process through MyPGS and other district applications.