In-Service Credit
Earning In-service Credit
Professional learning eligible for in-service credit must include the four phases as defined by protocol and described in the PD Cycle: planning, learning, implementing and evaluating.
Participants will receive in-service credit when all of the following criteria have been successfully met:
- participation in the professional learning activity.
- implementation of new learning.
- evaluation of the impact of the new learning on professional practice and students.
- evidence of the above submitted to the facilitator for assessment.
Whether attendance is voluntary or mandatory for professional learning, in-service credit will be awarded for learning time, implementation and evaluation.
In-service credit will be awarded when participants successfully meet all the expectations outlined by the facilitator. Partial credit will not be awarded for incomplete and/or unsuccessful demonstration of expectations.
In-service credit will not be given for informational meetings and committee meetings. Informational meetings are task oriented and generally focus on managerial or logistical issues. Meetings are agenda driven by a leader who presents information to the participants. The following list includes, but is not limited to, examples of topics that may be covered in informational meetings for which in-service credit is not awarded are:
- Code of Conduct
- Technical Updates; e.g., MyPGS, VIMS
- General Policies and Procedures
- Insurance/Retirement
- Safety Procedures
- Blood borne Pathogens
- Bus Driving Certification for Athletics
- Union Meetings
Examples of committees that hold meetings concerning school-related tasks for which in-service credit is not awarded are:
- Curriculum Committee
- Safety Committee
- Sunshine (Social) Committee
- School Advisory Council
Non-district training attended by VCS employees may be eligible for in-service credit. To meet eligibility, professional learning opportunities must be aligned to an individual's DPP and/or School/District Professional Learning Plans. Attendance at conventions, conferences, and seminars typically does not guarantee that in-service credits will be awarded. Most events have awareness-level breakout sessions which do not meet the Florida's Professional Development Protocol Standards for implementation and evaluation. Following the event, the participant must implement the new learning, complete the Professional Learning Implementation and Evaluation Evidence (PLIEE) form for conferences, and submit to Wanda Conley at the Professional Learning Department along with required documentation of attendance and number of hours of training.
Training hours for instructional and non-instructional personnel are not considered in-service credit for professional educator certificate renewal. Training hours may include technology applications, auditable compliance standards and job-specific skills. Support personnel may apply training hours to the career ladder process under development by VCS Human Resources.
20-Hour Requirement in SWD (Teaching Students with Disabilities) for Recertification
Effective July 1, 2014, all individuals applying for recertification in Florida are required to earn 20 in-service credits or 1 college credit hour in instructing students with disabilities (SWD) within each validity period. This requirement is included within the 120 in-service credit or six hours of college credit.
According to the Florida Legislature in order for a professional learning opportunity to qualify as an ESE credit, the main focus of the professional learning opportunity must be on the instruction of students with disabilities. There are four categories that meet the legislative requirement for ESE credit:
- Instructional Strategies for Students with Disabilities
- Classroom Management for Students with Disabilities
- Assessment for Students with Disabilities
- Curriculum for Students with Disabilities