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Impact Instructional Coaching Program

Our goal is to support all instructional coaches in building the capacity of our teachers to provide equitable standards-aligned instruction that maximizes student achievement.

The Role of the Instructional Coach

Establish Relationships

  • Build trust and rapport
  • Provide a confidential and non-evaluative supportive environment

Facilitate Professional Learning and Support Professional Learning Opportunities

  • Design professional learning based on school, district, and teachers' needs
  • Provide follow-up to teachers on implementing tools and strategies gained through professional learning
  • Facilitate and/or participate in grade-level or subject-area PLCs

Serve on the School's Leadership Team

  • Ensure supports and professional learning are aligned to standards, initiatives, and best practices
  • Support the implementation of the school’s improvement goals and strategies aligned to the school's improvement plan
  • Meet regularly with principal to coordinate instructional activities related to the school and district improvement plans.

Support Teachers in Implementing Standards-Based Lessons Utilizing the Coaching Cycle

  • Regularly plan with strong, aligned resources
  • Plan questions and tasks tightly aligned to the standards
  • Ensure all students have the necessary supports including removing barriers to learning for striving learners, students with disabilities, and English language learners
  • Reflect on and analyze teaching practice and review student work to inform instruction

Interested in Becoming an Instructional Coach?

Self-enroll in the following Canvas Course for detailed information on the VCS Instructional Coaching Pool process: 

or email Claudine Henderson for more information:

Program Contacts

Claudine Henderson
