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Charter Buses

​​​The purpose of this page is to provide information for all VCS approved and qualified Charter Bus & related service vendors.

STEP 1: Use the link below to access vendor sales contact information, vehicles offered, travel region & insurance information.

Vendor Contact and Certificate of Insurance Information

STEP 2: Use the link below to access vendor cancellation policies, in-county/out-of-county/overnight trip pricing, and vehicle amenities.

​Click Approved Vendor Pricing List

Notice to Schools: If the Vendor's insurance information shows that the certificate will expire prior to the date of your event, you may still contract with the approved vendor. However, it will be your responsibility to verify that the required insurance has been renewed and is in full force and effect on the day of your scheduled event. You can verify this information with the Purchasing Department, prior to your scheduled event.

Notice to Vendors:  In order to become a prequalified Charter Bus Vendor, you MUST complete the Request for Qualifications solicitation document found on Reference solicitation number: S-908KM.

You may send your completed response to the Procurement Department