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Budget Department

Deidra Whittenberger
Director, Budget
(386) 734-7190
ext. 20330

Liz McGregor
Budget Analyst

Jessica Gray
Budget Analyst

Timothy Thomas Jr.
Budgeting Coordinator

Our Mission

The Mission of the Budget Department is to facilitate the development of a comprehensive district budget in accordance with state and federal laws and school board policies.  This office ensures that the budget meets the Superintendent and School Board's requirements, reflects the most up-to-date information available and is presented in a useful manner that aids the decision making process.  Some of the other major functions are:

  • Recommend and maintain all school staffing allocations.
  • Provide training to school and department staff regarding the budget system and monthly accounting reports.
  • Prepare cost analyses to assist with the collective bargaining process.
  • Prepare the Annual Cost Report for the district


  • Seek the GFOA Distinguished Budget Award for the district budget.
  • Provide training on staffing and budget processes.
  • Provide timely budget and accounting information to all schools and departments.
  • Participate in OPPAGA Best Practices Review and identify cost savings and improved processes.

Bookkeeper Contacts:

Department                       Contact for Training

County Budget                  Brittny Karnes
Internal Accounts             Lois Ridout/Heather Knight

More bookkeeper resources and Financial Services Reports can be found in Budget Intranet.

Approved Operating Budget and other budget documents can be found on the Financial Transparency Page.