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VCS Speakers Bureau

The VCS Speakers Bureau enriches student education by offering speakers from various walks of life; including the business community. Career speakers help students gain knowledge of career opportunities. We also provide speakers to the classroom for the educational process, such as veterans, storytelling, holocaust, American history, etc. Our speakers extend the students' learning environment beyond the school's walls.

The Volunteer Speakers Bureau also arranges the KidSmart Program for kindergarten classes and Vehicle Day for select elementary schools.

Joining the Speakers Bureau

The Volunteer Speakers Bureau maintains a database of volunteer speakers who are willing to make classroom presentations are always in search of new presenters who will enhance and enrich our curriculum.

  • All volunteer applicants must complete the online application to volunteer.  Be sure to check the speakers box in  Functions.  You may also email a brief synopsis of your topic to
  • After approval of your application to volunteer, an email will be sent to the schools informing them of your available topic. This email is sent twice a year.
  • An interested teacher will contact you directly to make all arrangements regarding your presentation. 

NOTE: Some sensitive topics may require district approval.

Speaker Guidelines

Before the Presentation

  • Upon arrival at the school, go to the main office first to sign-sign in to the Raptor Management System.
  • Be prepared. These students are extremely sharp.
  • Be time conscious. Schools have tight schedules, but no class wants to be cheated out of all you have to say. Gauge your presentation to the amount of time you have been allotted. Allow time for questions, if desired.
  • If you must unexpectedly cancel or have an emergency, phone the school immediately to let the teacher know.

During the Presentation

  • Leave any discipline to the teacher. If a class is unruly or inattentive, you may terminate the program.
  • Bear in mind the comprehension level of the students. Speak clearly. If a student cannot hear, he/she will not benefit from your presentation.
  • Watch your vocabulary. If it is too difficult and you use words the students do not understand, your message will be lost. This must also be mentioned; watch your language, profanity is not accepted in any classroom.
  • Try to involve the students by allowing them to assist you or by directing the questions to them.
  • Ask yourself if your program will bring to the students a new level of understanding.  More than they could get from printed material? Will it inspire?

Before Leaving

Go back to the main office to sign a​nd record your volunteer hours, which may include preparation, and travel to and from the school.


Please log in to ​Teacher Resources at the Employee>Intranet Log in for the following:

  • Instructions and Procedures for Requesting Speakers
  • List of topics 
  • ​​Volunteer Speakers Bureau Catalog