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Physical Education Waivers

Physical Education Waivers for Students with Physical Disabilities

Many of you have contacted me with questions and concerns regarding meeting the physical education requirements for students with physical disabilities. A majority of the questions have come from both the school level administrator and physical education teachers as to how they waive physical education for students with physical disabilities. There are no medical waivers for any student K-12, regardless of having a doctor’s note for the student to be excused from physical education. The physical education teacher should adapt any physical education course that is taken by a student with disabilities based on the needs and limitations of the student. The teacher could give this student more cognitive type of assignments for any physical activity component that the student is medically unable to complete. There is also the possibility of a student taking one of the appropriate adaptive physical education courses that are listed in the Course Code Directory if they have an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) or 504 Plan that specifies a need for it. If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding providing physical education for this population of students please don’t hesitate to contact Mr. Lary Beal at or by phone at 386-734-7190, ext. 20220.

Parents of students in grades K-8 have the option to waive PE for their child for the upcoming school year, using the K-8 PE Waiver form, below. This must be completed and given to the principal or designee by March 1st, 2024.


What is Adapted Physical Education?

Adapted physical education is the art and science of developing and implementing a carefully designed physical education instructional program for an individual with a disability, based on a comprehensive assessment, to give the individual the skills necessary for a lifetime of rich leisure, recreation, and sport experiences to enhance physical fitness and wellness. (Auxter, Pyfer, & Huettig, 2001).

Parents of students in grades K-8 have the option to waive PE for their child for the upcoming school year, using the K-8 PE Waiver form, below. This must be completed and given to the principal or designee by March 1st, 2024.