Introducing "Voices of Volusia," a captivating video series where Dr. Carmen Balgobin, Superintendent of Volusia County Schools, engages in meaningful conversations with community members and Volusia County Schools staff. This series covers a wide range of topics that directly relate to the safety and success of our students. "Voices of Volusia" provides a unique opportunity for viewers to gain insight into how our district communicates and shares vital information. Each episode of "Voices of Volusia" is tailored to cater to different audiences, including individuals new to our schools, seasoned parents, and those without prior experience in the education system. Join us for an enlightening experience that connects our community and promotes the well-being of our students!
Volusia County Schools: Futures - Community Events
- Voices of Volusia 001 / Bob Davis
- Voices of Volusia 002 / Jennifer Wessler, Stephanie Philyaw, & Dr. Dan Glen
- Voices of Volusia 003 / Back to School Edition - Middle School Principals
- Voices of Volusia 004 / Back to School Edition - High School Principals
- Voices of Volusia 005 / Greg Schwartz
- Voices of Volusia 006 / Elementary Second Language Learning